Friday, May 17, 2013

Clouds in Your Eyes: Something About Cataracts

There's a song that goes: “And I see clouds in your eyes, dangerous clouds in your eyes.” In the song, the persona may be talking about deceit or veiled feelings, but in reality these words are a bit more grim. It's true that those clouds in your eyes are dangerous, but that's because they can render you blind someday.

Cataracts are a clouding of the lens of the eye that unsurprisingly leads to sight deterioration. Statistically, it is the most common cause of blindness. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and the causes can be anything from radiation to age, and even skin diseases.

Don't start panicking, though; cataracts are easily treatable with surgery. A good 90 percent of patients receive good results after a cataract surgery so, to quote the popular young adult series the Hunger Games, the odds are ever in your favor. Don't fall into the trap of complacency, though, because not all doctors and eye centers have the necessary qualifications to remove a cataract.

If ever you do need to have a cataract removed, make sure to look for reliable and experienced professionals in established facilities. Don't leave everything to chance and risk the possibility of becoming totally blind. The best eye specialists will tell you that there's really no appeal to having clouds in your eyes, figurative or otherwise.

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